It’s your choice to tune your radio station into ‘worry’.

Worry. It’s something we all commonly spend a lot of time on but why? Does it help for us to prepare for an unideal situation should it by chance arrive one day? Be sure, there is a difference between planning for the worst and spending time bathing in a bath of worry.

Yes, sometimes we need to be prepared for the negative but have a plan and move on. Don’t focus on it. It has been said that 99% of the things we worry about never actually happen so thinking about what happens 1% of the time really seems like a waste of mind space.

Worry doesn’t do anything to solve the problem. So, if it’s not the solution and it doesn’t ‘feel’ good then why do we spend so much time on it?

Wouldn’t thinking about all the wonderful things that could happen in your life be a much more enjoyable experience? And, if the saying ‘you get what you focus on’ is correct, wouldn’t a positive focus be more fruitful?

From our very young days, many have been conditioned to believe that we ‘shouldn’t get our hopes up in case we are disappointed’. If the above statistics are correct, then we are spending most of our time thinking about 1% of the time.

I invite you all to take a look at this limiting belief today and turn it on its head. Why take your precious mental space to focus on the possible negative things that could happen to you when, you could fill your ‘mind garden’ with beautiful possibilities and endless images of what it is that you want from your life.

So the next time you find yourself on ‘worry street’, stop…tune into what you are focusing on and take a different path; one that serves you in a more prosperous and pleasing way.

To an Exceptional Existence,


Twitter: E_existence

Instragram: Exceptionalexistence

Facebook: FB/aneexistence

